Sleep can be a sensitive subject for kids, especially once it’s time for them to get back to school.
For plenty of young ones, sleep is just part of the process. Work hard in the classroom, play hard on the playground, study hard at home, and they’re down for dreamtime within a few seconds of the head hitting the pillow.
For others, a good night’s sleep is a rare gift, one that can take the perfect conditions to achieve.
Healthy sleeping habits are one of the most essential resources a child can draw on in order to obtain academic success. Consistent good sleep is an amazing source of energy for the school day’s demands, that is why we want to share some ways you can help your kids get a better night’s sleep.
How to Sleep Better During the School Year
Getting a good night’s sleep during the school year presents different challenges for parents of different kids. Factoring in after-school activities, dinner, and homework can make the time after school even more stressful than the tests and quizzes. Mornings can be just as tough. Some kids are up at the crack of dawn to catch the bus or to be dropped off early by a parent on the way to work.
A parent’s best way to ensure their kids are getting enough sleep to thrive in the classroom is to set up a routine and make sure it is maintained every school night. It may be tricky at first to stick to a routine, but as your child begins to see the benefits of it, they will be more apt to conform to it.
The following should be fundamental components of any school-age child’s recipe for getting a good night’s sleep.
- Stick to a routine: It might not always work perfectly but setting times that things should be done by is a great schedule to keep. Dinner at 6, homework at 6:30, bath at 7:30 and in bed by 8 is a baseline that kids can remember and adhere to.
- Shut off the screens: According to experts, kids should not be looking at screens for more than two hours a day anyway, but nighttime usage is particularly frowned upon. Make sure kids turn off the TV, computer, tablet, video game system, or smartphone at least an hour before bed to take away the stimulus factor that can deprive them of sleep later on.
- Comfort is key: You wouldn’t go to bed in your work clothes, would you? Nor should your kids wear what they wore to school to bed. Loose fitting clothes are their best bet, and their rooms should be cool and comfortable. A ceiling fan is a great choice if the air conditioner is set too high. If you have a young child who still fears the dark, consider a dim nightlight or leave the door open somewhat to ensure it’s still an atmosphere of peace and quiet.
- Eliminate hidden caffeine: We’re not talking about Starbucks here, but kids are regularly chugging soft drinks, energy drinks, bottled tea, and other beverages that are packed full of caffeine. Keep them drinking clear fluids after dinner time to keep caffeine out of their systems.
Sleep is a physiological need for everyone, so we hope that these tips help your family get the sleep that they need. Our experienced staff is here to provide the community with the utmost quality of services to help our community. The Colony ER Hospital is here to support your family 24/7, 365 with concierge-level emergency care for all ages.
Disclaimer: As a service to our readers, The Colony ER Hospital and Nutex Health state no content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinicians.
Nutex Health, Inc supports you and your family’s health. You can depend on The Colony ER Hospital, or any one of our concierge-level, medical facilities to deliver the emergency care you deserve, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
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